At the time of this recording, it was just before Halloween 2024. McKenna Michels joined us from Austin, TX and was excited to be home with her piano which used to belong to her grandmother. We talked about how human spirits are connected through items they loved. We get into how well of a job she does her videos. We play the "Born To Die" video which reminds us of the Salem witch hunts. This was based on the 1700s when the mindset of 'witches' was outdated. The story behind the video is fascinating and you will see it in the video. They we talk about the heartwarming story of Michelle who had a stroke in her infancy and now has cerebral palsey. The imagination of Michelle in the story for the video for the song. The video is absolutely spectacular! Dean talks about how McKenna seems to channel a Kate Bush and Emily Autumn in her music. McKenna states that she loves Kate Bush but also Florance and the Machine and the band MUSE with the song "Knights of Cedonia". McKenna goes into details about living on the spectrum of autism and how she survives.